Made by monks: from lavender oil to beer and chocolate
If monastic production brings to mind only rosaries and saint statues, you couldn’t be more wrong. Here are 10 marvelous things made by monks.
If monastic production brings to mind only rosaries and saint statues, you couldn’t be more wrong. Here are 10 marvelous things made by monks.
Take a drive through Switzerland’s countryside in autumn, and you’ll encounter one of the most fascinating country’s traditions: unmanned roadside stands selling seasonal fresh-picked vegetables and fruits.
97% of Romanians and 90% of Lithuanians live in their own apartments or houses, while more than half of the Swiss and Germans rent their residential properties. Here’s why.
Once a kid’s toy, electric scooters emerged as a hot new trend for commuting in many cities around the world this summer. Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, is one of these cities.
From a playroom on a train to a toy hunt in a grocery store. These are the best ideas from the companies around the world that turned the shopping and traveling experience with kids into an adventure.
Potato chips are the most popular salty snacks around the world, but each country has its own favorite flavor.