Here are the most reputable countries in the world

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European countries dominate the top 10 of the world’s most reputable countries. Sweden is leading the ranking. 

When it comes to a country’s reputation, it’s not the size or economic power that matters. The world’s most reputable countries are not the largest countries or biggest economies, revealed Country RepTrak 2018, the annual ranking of the world’s most reputable countries, published by the consulting firm Reputation Institute.

None of the top 10 most reputable countries are in the top 10 by population, and only 2 are of the world’s top 10 economies.

The biggest world’s economy the US didn’t make it into the premier league of countries with the best reputation and was ranked 34th. Although the US stands strong when it comes to successful brands, technologically advanced and beautiful country; it scored lower in terms of being ethical, having an effective government, or being safe, the report revealed.

Being welcoming, safe, beautiful and highly principled are the key drivers of country’s reputation. Furthermore, countries that develop a consistent country story and communication are more likely to climb to the top of the list.

Among other factors that define the country’s reputation are progressive social and economic policies, effective government, technological advancement, well-known brands, transparency, tolerance, peacefulness, etc. Country RepTrak measured the reputation of 55 countries with the highest GDPs based on the survey of 58,000 people and individual rankings.

A good reputation pays off. According to Reputation Institute, an increase in country’s reputation results in an increase in tourists and export rates.

European countries dominate the world’s most reputable countries list in 2018, while 4 out of the top 10 are Nordic countries.

Here are the top 10 world’s most reputable countries in 2018.

1. Sweden

Score: 81.7

Photo courtesy of Mariamichelle/Pixabay

Last year ranked the 3rd, Sweden claimed the 1st spot in 2018. According to the study, Sweden is seen as the most ethical and progressive country in the world. Sweden’s generous social benefits, liberal vacation policies, gender equality, beautiful nature, friendly people, high transparency in the media, acceptance of large numbers of refugees are among the factors that have placed it on the top of the list.

Sweden is the most ethical country in the world with high transparency and low corruption as well as the country with the most progressive social and economic policies, Reputation Institute revealed in the recent study.

2. Finland

Score: 81.6

Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Milo/Flickr

Finland has jumped from 7th to 2nd place in the list of the world’s most reputable countries and was one of the highest rank climbers. Famous for having one of the best school systems in the world, Finland has excellent scores in the ranking when it comes to valuing education.

3. Switzerland

Score: 81.3

Photo courtesy of Jurgita Simeleviciene

Switzerland ranks above other countries in many rankings. Having a beautiful nature and being one of the richest countries in the world it performs very well in terms of income, jobs, health status, education, housing and even happiness.

According to OECD (The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) statistics, the average household income per capita in Switzerland is more than USD 36 000 a year, much higher than the OECD average ( USD 30 563 a year). Furthermore, Switzerland unemployment rate was 2.9% in March and it is one of the lowest in the world.

4. Norway


Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Being one of the world’s leading natural gas exporters, Norway is one of the richest countries in the world as country’s GDP per capita is USD 70,590 according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Norway is renowned for its nature, quality of life, education and effective government.

5. New Zealand


Photo courtesy of Curriculum_Photografia/Pixabay

Famous for its air quality and stunning landscapes New Zealand is also the least corrupt country in the world, according to the Corruption Perceptions Index and one of the world’s most peaceful countries.

6. Australia


Photo courtesy of Atrueleo/Pixabay

Australia has been climbing to the top of different rankings because of its appealing environment, friendly people, unique nature and a good quality of life.

7. Canada


Photo courtesy of Jon Sullivan/Pixnio

In 2017 ranked the first, Canada has slipped down to the 7th place as its global reputation drops by 3.5 points in 2018. Canada falls in the ranking in part because of the point drop in effective government as Trudeau’s government’s approval slipped in 2017, revealed Nanos survey.

Furthermore, as numbers of migrants crossing the US border rises Canada is becoming stricter towards asylum seekers, noticed Reputation Institute. 

8. Japan

Score: 77.7

Photo courtesy of Pxhere

Japanese are renowned for their politeness, excellent customer service, and advanced economy. Furthermore, Japan is a top-performing country when it comes to the life expectancy and quality of its educational system. Life expectancy at birth is 84 years and it is the highest in the OECD. Japan stands out in terms of cognitive skills of 15-year-old students. The average student scored 529 in reading literacy, mathematics, and science in the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). This score is much higher than the OECD average of 486.

9. Denmark


Photo courtesy of Pxhere

Denmark performs very well in different rankings in terms of the quality of life. Access to a basic knowledge, water and sanitation, civic engagement, and health care usually place Denmark on the top of different lists.

10. Netherlands


Photo courtesy of danielchomiak6 /Pixabay

The Netherlands rounds up the list of the top 10 most reputable countries in the world. Apart from being the country with low unemployment, it is also a country where people managed to reach a work-life balance as less than 1% of employees regularly work very long hours – it is the lowest share in the OECD. It could be one of the reasons why the Netherlands is also ranked as one of the happiest countries in the world.

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  • Anneli Mura

    WOW.. I come from Finland and I am ever so glad of the high ranking position Finland got.. It means we have done something right. I wish all the countries had as good and transparent governments and very little corruption as we have in the Nordic countries and, last but not least, a first class education free for all as in Finland!!!! Embrasing the whole from Finland

    • Monimoy Dutta

      I had spent only 8 month in Finland other than my motherland but I can surely say that Finnish people are one of the most ethical and decent people in the world. LOVE U FINLAND.

  • Monimoy Dutta

    I had spent only 8 month in Finland other than my motherland but I can surely say that Finnish people are one of the most ethical and decent people in the world. LOVE U FINLAND.

  • Gerard Sursock

    I am so happy and delighted that Australia comes within the top ten countries, indeed people are enjoying the good quality of life, thanks for bringing that up to the attention

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